Celebration Education utilizes fun year-long themes to make the learning meaningful. All school subjects are integrated into the weekly themed topics.
Theme for 2024 - 2025

at the
A collection of topics of scientific, artistic, cultural, and historic importance.
A different topic each week, inspired by the characters in the Night at the Museum movies.
Celebration Education also used this theme in 2011-2012, 2011-2012, and 2019-2020.
See weekly topics details.
​Ways this theme can be experienced:
Themed Workshop Classes
Enrichment Classes
Field Trips
Special Events
On Your Own - Get a family membership at to access weekly ideas to experience the theme at home.
2024-2025 Schedule
Week/Date Topic Inspired By
September 6 Opening ​Celebration: Welcome to the Museum​
Component I: The World Is Born
Week 1: September 9-13 ​Natural History Museum
Week 2: September 16-20 Scales of the Universe Constellations
Week 3: September 23-27 Our Planet Rocks and Minerals Gallery
Week 4: September 30 - October 4 Traces of Life Rexy
Week 5: October 7-11 Ocean Life Blue whale, Giant Octopus
Week 6: October 14-18 Rookeries Dexter
October 18 Celebration of the Natural World
​Component II: Old Worlds
Week 7: October 28 - November 1 Pharaohs Ahkmenrah
Week 8: November 4-8 Egyptian Artifacts Mummy, Tablet
Week 9: November 11-15 Ancient Greece Greek Artifacts
Week 10: November 18-22 Roman Empire Octavius
Week 11: December 2-6 Lost City Pompeii
Week 12: December 9-13 Asian Lore Xiangliu, Garuda​
December 13 Ancient Festivals Celebration
​Component III: Expanding Worlds
Week 13: January 6-10 ​Legends of England Sir Lancelot
Week 14: January 13-17 Asian Invaders Attila the Hun
Week 15: January 20-24 Conqueror Ivan the Terrible
Week 16: January 27-31 Explorers Easter Island Head
Week 17: February 3-7 Colonizers Christopher Columbus
Week 18: February 10-14 Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte
February 14 Revolutionary Celebration
​Component IV: Our World
Week 19: February 24-28 ​American Expedition Sacajawea, Lewis & Clark
Week 20: March 3-7 Brother vs. Brother Custer, Civil War Soldiers
Week 21: March 10-14 Great Emancipator Abraham Lincoln
March 14 Bonus Celebration: Pi Day and Einstein's Birthday
Week 22: March 17-21 Whispers From the West Jedediah
Week 23: March 24-28 Renaissance Man Teddy Roosevelt
Week 24: March 31 - April 4 World At War Tuskegee Airmen
April 4 Celebration of Peace
​Component V: Worlds of Art and Science
Week 25: April 14-18 ​Acting Hugh Jackman and Alice Eve
Week 26: April 21-25 Pop culture Darth Vader, Oscar the Grouch
Week 27: April 28 - May 2 World Art Various Artwork
Week 28: May 5-9 American Art Various Artwork
Week 29: May 12-26 Reach for the Sky Amelia Earhart, Wright Brothers
Week 30: May 19-23 Reach for the Stars Able
May 22 ​Closing Celebration ​