Civil War Activities and Fireworks
March 2-6
Workshop Activities
1. Craft - Soldiers
2. Key Points – Brother vs. Brother
3. Collaborative – Quilt Codes
4. Language Arts – Civil War Slang
5. Math/Logic – Civil War
6. Character Connection – Peace Rally
7. Big Activity – Thumbs Up!
8. Movement - Target Practice
Minecraft Activities
Build Fort Sumpter
Civil War Quiz Game
PVP Battle
Build Challenge: Cannons
Upcoming Events
Disneyland meetup: March 10: America
Pi Day and Einstein's Birthday: March 13
Celebration of Peace: April 8
Read through the fireworks and choose about five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.
Put Civil War events on a US map.
Make some Civil War food:
Learn more about Follow the Drinking Gourd:
Learn about the Civil War Ironclad:
Do a Civil War Word Search:
See the animated map of the Battle of Franklin:
Imagine you are a soldier in the Civil War. Write a journal entry about what the battle is like. What do you see, smell and hear? What does it feel like?
On a blank US map, color the Civil War states by north & south.
Write about a time when you or someone you know got into a conflict that wasn't resolved. Consider now how the conflict could have been resolved.
Write a short story about a conflict. Make up two endings. In one ending the conflict is resolved, and in the other it isn't.
Make a list of things you could say or do to keep calm during a conflict.
Design a stop of the Underground Railroad including places to hide slaves and how to get them to the next stop. Draw your design and write a description of your stop.
Do some Harriet Tubman activities:
Try some Morse Code:
Do some Civil War worksheets:
One of the staples of a Civil War soldier's diet was hardtack, a hard biscuit- or cracker-like bread. Make your own hardtack: Mix together 2 cups of flour, cup of water, and six pinches of salt. Flatten dough to a uniform thickness of about inch. Cut the dough into 3- or 4-inch squares. Poke four rows of four holes (16 holes in all) in each dough square. Bake on a baking sheet for 30 minutes at 400 degrees F. Turn dough over and bake for another 30 minutes. Turn off the oven, but leave hardtack in the oven until it cools.