AT-Home Activities: Into the Jungle - Discover Natural Wonders
Week 6, October 12-16
See a suggested week schedule at

“Who Is Jane Goodall?”
various fiction and non-fiction books that relate to exploration
journal or writing paper
ingredients to make Peanut Butter-Chocolate No-Bake Cookies:
a deck of cards
3-4 different flowers
Workshop Class Activities
Craft – Tree Cookies
Key Points – Jungle Diorama
Collaborative – Flower Dissection
Language Arts – Rainforest Flavors
Math/Logic – Rainforest Foods
Prepare for Adventure – Acid Attack
Big Activity – Biome in a Bag
Movement - Photosynthesis Relay Race
At-Home Activities
Who Is Jane Goodall?
Various fiction and non-fiction books that relate to exploration
“A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself.” ― Laura Gilpin
“A river is water is its loveliest form; rivers have life and sound and movement and infinity of variation, rivers are veins of the earth through which the lifeblood returns to the heart.” – Roderick Haig-Brown
Language arts lesson
A haiku is a type of poetry that originally from Japan. Traditionally, a haiku has three lines, each a phrase. The first line has 5 syllables, second line has 7 and the 3rd and last line repeats another 5. Here’s an example:
Cherry blossoms bloom, softly falling from the tree, explode into night.
Writing Activity
Write a haiku about trees in the rainforest.
Go on a nature walk. Observe the sky, some rocks, and a stream. Sketch some observations and write about your discoveries.
Math Concept
Here’s a chart that show rainfall in Tokyo for 2019. What information can you get by looking at this chart?

Math Project
Different types of rainforests have different amounts of rainfall. Make a chart that shows rainfall levels in two or more different kinds of rainforests.
Math Concept
Doubling and halving fractions
Math Project
Cocoa comes from the jungle. Use cocoa to make Peanut Butter-Chocolate No-Bake Cookies. Try doubling and/or halving the recipe!
Mental Math
Lay down two cards from a deck of cards with the face cards removed. You can add, subtract, or multiply the two cards together. Play this on your own or make it a contest with another person to see who can call out the correct answer first.
Math Game
Play a 2-Digit Addition Card Game. Use a deck of cards with the face cards removed. Each player selects 4 of their cards to create two 2-digit numbers. The object is to create two numbers that when added together come as close to 100 as possible, without going over. For example, you were dealt 5, 1, 3, 3, 6, 1. You choose 6, 5, 3, and 3 to create the numbers 56 and 33, which add up to 89. Your friend came up with the number 60, so you win this round. Continue until someone wins five rounds.
To further aid with addition practice, you could also add the total from each round to calculate the total points. Then the player with the highest score wins.
To play with younger kids, deal 4 cards to each and select 2 cards to get as close to ten as possible, without going over.
To practice subtraction instead, change the rules to subtract 2 numbers to get as close to zero as possible.
For a greater challenge for older kids, practice with integer operations. Make black cards positive and red cards negative, and again, challenge kids to combine numbers to get as close to zero as possible.
Research and Report
Choose one of the natural wonders of the rainforest. Create a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation about the wonder you choose. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Themed Fireworks Project
◦ Dissect three or four different types of flowers. Can you identify these parts in each flower?
▪ petals
▪ sepals
▪ stamen
▪ anther
▪ filament
▪ pistil
▪ stigma
▪ style
▪ ovary
▪ ovule
6-week project
1. Practice your oral report. There are various ways to present an oral report. You could:
1. Give your oral report from memory. You can use the outline you created in week 3 to remind you what to say.
2. Read your written report.
3. Show and describe your display.
4. Demonstrate how to do something (i.e., make slime, play a sport, etc.).
2. Create an event around your presentation. Invite family and maybe even prepare some refreshments.
3. Give your oral report, show your display, and share your written report. Celebrate your accomplishment!
Visit a nature center.
Other Ideas
Use salt dough to make a 3-D map of the Amazon river.
Make greenhouse to grow plants in.
Make a jungle diorama that includes the jungle layers.
Make fruit kabobs or a fruit salad, using only fruit that comes from the jungle. Fruits like: bananas, pineapple, mango, papaya, coconut, etc.
Make a rainforest conservation poster.
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