Coach and homeschool teacher Steve Friederang is, with his wife Michelle, homeschooling two children who entered full-time college at 12 and 11 years old. Michael, who is now 16, just received a $250,000 offer for a fellowship to get his PhD in nanotechnology at UC Riverside starting in August. Eliza started full-time college at 11 when it looked like Covid would make visits to their charter school impossible. She loves paleontology. CBU only has a biology major which is pre-med in emphasis. She will be a 13-year-old Junior in a couple of months holding a 4.4 GPA.
Both the Friederang kids are of normal intelligence in a very effective homeschool culture. Steve has been a world-class swim coach, author, and inventor and is a fellow of the top leadership schools in America. He and Michelle were trained as teachers but realized the limitations of mass school were not necessary if homeschool could be done correctly. Steve did the math — In a class of a 30 to 1 teacher to student ratio, by the end of the 180 day year, each student gets 6.3 hours of direct teacher interaction per subject. So he took the elements of the state standards, put them in a spreadsheet, and linked those elements to lessons, experts, books, movies, field trips, etc.
Steve believes any passionate parent has a 30 times chance to do better than public or even private school alone. He will teach any parent who loves and is dedicated to the best education of their children to do their best to help children find and pursue their passion and purpose.
The Zooms start on Tuesday at 4 and includes guest visits from Michelle, Michael, and Eliza for questions and answers.