Asian Lore Activities and Fireworks

December 9-13
Workshop Activities
1. Craft – Terracotta Warriors
2. Key Points – Asian Lore
3. Collaborative – Dragon Ball
4. Language Arts – Slat Books
5. Math/Logic - Nim
6. Character Connection – Great Wall of Friendship
7. Big Activity – Happy Birthday Everybody!
8. Movement - Chinese Jump Rope
Minecraft Activities
Mythical Creatures Collaborative Builds
Crafting Math
Celebrate Chinese New Year
Build Challenge: Mythical Beasts
Upcoming Events
Park Days at Santa Ana Zoo:
Disneyland meetup: December 10 – Ancient Festivals:
Ancient Festivals Celebration
Read through the fireworks and choose about five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.
Prepare and share a report about one of the Chinese dynasties.
Prepare a travel brochure or video commercial to encourage people to visit China.
Prepare and perform a reader's theater of a story from traditional Chinese folklore.
Interview someone from China.
Learn a traditional Chinese song and/or dance.
Make paper.
Make a fun dragon:
Make a Chinese flag:
Play ping pong.
Make a Chinese gong:
Do a China mapping worksheet:
Estimate how much it would cost for your family to take a vacation in China.
An abacus is a tool used in China for counting and doing simple arithmetic. It is the forerunner of modern-day calculators. The abacus is still used in China as well as other Asian countries. Try doing your math on an abacus.
Play some Chinese new year games:
Get your Chinese name:
Do some tangrams activities:
Answer questions about ancient China:
Do some Time warp trio:
Field Trip Ideas
Visit China Town