Activities and Fireworks for Sight and Sound

March 11-15
The Phantom Tollbooth, Chapters 9-13
Workshop Activities
1. Craft – Color Wheel
2. Key Points – Sounds Bingo
3. Collaborative – Making Rainbows
4. Writing – Musical Scale
5. Math/Logic - Time
6. Genius Principle – Pied Piper, Music Moods
7. Big Activity – Musical Charades
8. Movement – Hokey Pockey
Minecraft Activities
Orchestra Instruments
Color Mixing, Color Spectrum
Story Sound Effects
Build Challenge: Builds that show the moods of songs
Upcoming Events
Weekly teen hangouts in Santa Ana
Disneyland meetup: March 13 – Return of Rhyme and Reason
Field trips – Trips are currently being scheduled! New trips posted here:
4/10 Celebration: Milo's Homecoming
Read through the fireworks and choose about five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.
Attend a musical performance.
Play some math games.
Learn a new dance.
Perform in a talent show or recital.
Learn a new instrument or improve on one you already know.
Choreograph your own dance.
Write a song.
Make costumes.
Make a claymation movie.
Sing a choir song.
Do some sound waves experiments.
Explore the science of sound:
Make a collection of songs from five different musical groups such as: orchestra, rock band, string quartet, mariachi, barn dance, etc. Identify the different instruments used in each musical group.
Write new words to an old song.
Experience onomatopoeias. Write the words that describe the sounds that music makes, for example rat-a-tat-tat can be used for a snare drum or twang, plink, plunk for a banjo. Identify which instruments the odd be-bop and scat words might be. Create your own sounds words.
Dance the Virginia Reel, the Bunny Hop, or other line dances.
Sing “Do Re Mi.”
Read books (fiction or non-fiction) about music, poetry, acting, instruments, dancing, and singing.
Write a letter to a friend in the form of a song.
Make a xylophone:
Go on a sounds scavenger hunt.
Memorize the days of the week.
Create a timeline of instruments.
Explore sound waves, then find out about Pythagorean’s discoveries about string instruments and music. Do some experiments to confirm his discoveries.
Do some color wheel projects:
Make instruments: