Activities and Fireworks for Metamorphosis

January 21-25
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Chapters 5 & 6
Help us choose next year's theme! Go here to vote:
Workshop Activities
1. Craft – Tie Dye Butterfly
2. Key Points – Butterfly Life Cycle
3. Collaborative – Classify Bugs
4. Writing – Nursery Rhymes Recitations
5. Math/Logic – Drink Me – Measuring Size
6. Genius Principle – Substance Abuse
7. Big Activity - Microhabitats
8. Movement - Flea Jumping
Minecraft Activities
shrinking and growing
butterfly metamorphosis
insect model
drug use simulation
build challenge: scale model
Upcoming Events
Weekly teen hangouts in Santa Ana
Disneyland meetup: Friday, January 25: Alice in Wonderland, also Homeschool Day at Disneyland:
Field trips – Trips are currently being scheduled! New trips will be posted here:
2/20 Celebration: Tea With Alice:
Read through the fireworks and choose about five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.
Learn how to do a back somersault.
Raise butterflies from eggs.
Measure your height. What if you were half as tall. What would your height be? What if you doubled in size. Then what would your height be?
Compare the strength of a bug to your own. Do the math to figure out how much weight you could carry if you were an ant and how high you could jump if you were a flea.
Learn about the health effects of drugs of abuse through three web adventures:
Make up a new verse to the Humpty Dumpty poem.
Make a collection of songs about insects.
Play insect and bug charades game with family or friends. One person chooses a creature to act out and everyone guesses what it is.
Learn about how a flea can jump. How high can you jump? Can you jump your own height? Practice your long jump and high jump.
Hold snail races. Use a stopwatch to time the snails.
Make pepper soup.
Catch and study an insect. What is it? Where does it live? What does it eat? What eats it? Write your observations and discoveries.
Do some insect experiments:
Start a bug collection.
Create an insect habitat diorama.
Make a large scale model of a butterfly.