Senses Fireworks
Workshop Activities
Craft – Scented Senses – paint with scented paint
Key Points – Roll a Sense game
Collaborative – Avenues to the Brain – quick reports
Writing – Describe This! - Adjectives
Math/Logic – Chart it Up – Chart and Graph the results of a survey
Genius Principle – Senses Self-Assessment
Big Activity – Sensorama – Experiencing all the senses
Movement - Blind Man's Bluff
Field Trip
Book Arts Tour at the International Printing Museum in Carson Wednesday, October 18th, 10am, $12 per person Participants will take a tour of the printing presses, typeset and print some pages, and bind books. There is still room in this trip – register today so we know you're coming!
Minecraft Class
Students become the messengers from the senses into the brain and back.
Tour of inner ear and eye.
Students battle bacteria from nose.
Build challenge – Students build their own senses and create the nervous system.
Upcoming Activities
Renaissance Faire
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Our own Renaissance Faire - put on by the students! Families may wear Renaissance costumes
Read through the fireworks and choose five that you think might interest your child. Allow him or her to select 1-3 of them.
Test perceptions of height and distance, then measure the actual height of a tree (triangulation)
Make a book or picture using different textured fabric (net, felt, fur) or other objects (sandpaper, buttons, cotton balls.)
Write about your experiences with food as a story with the title "Foods That Taste Better Than They Look" or about "Foods That Look Better Than They Taste."
Put on a blindfold. Have your partner place different foods into your mouth. Can you guess what they are? What if you plug your nose as well?
Try some Baci Perugina . Translate the messages and/or write your on messages.
Read and write in Braille.
Go on a nature walk. Observe using all of your senses (as possible). Write about and/or sketch your observations in your notebook.
Draw your own optical illusions.
Do some smells remind you of things that have happened before? Write about it.
Go on a smells scavenger hunt.
Set up and perform a taste test with your family and friends. Graph the results of the taste test.
Rainbow colors always appear in the same order. Sing the “Rainbow Song,” sung to the tune or “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”:
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and vi-o-let, First the rain, and then the sun, A rainbow's what you get!
Go on a listening walk. Write down all the sounds you hear. Do you know what all the sounds are from?
Experiment with a tuning fork. What can you discover about sound vibrations?
Leonardo's studio was a sensory treasure trove filled with music, flowers, and beautiful scents. Create your own work space that is peaceful, beautiful and well-lit.
Experiment with mixing colors – color a disk and spin it on a top.
Do a senses writing workshop lesson:
Do some of the experiments found in the Hearing and Sound Waves Lesson Plan:
Use a prism to reflect sunlight to see and talk about the different colors.
Experiment with
sound/sound waves/music
Make a collage of pictures of people using their senses.
Do some Double Dare Addition:!-lesson-plan/
Make a collage or draw a picture of something in a way that would describe how something sounds, smells, tastes, or feels. If desired, make a representation of all five senses in one picture.
Pick out the patterns:
Create a Halloween poem, with five verses, one for each of the senses. Describe how your experience Halloween through these senses.