Dungeons and Dragons Online Classes
Join the adventure! Six one-off classes and one 8-week class. From role-play to combat, players get a taste of how D&D works, and how...
Feb 25, 20213 min read

Co-op in Redlands
Discounted classes held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Redlands, designed to help out this year's school "refugees." $125 membership fee...
Aug 4, 20201 min read

Yucaipa Enrichment Day
Three classes in one day. Take one class or take all three! Classes change every six weeks. Component II - Thursdays, October 1 -...
Apr 5, 20191 min read

Enrichment Classes in Santa Ana
Fridays, 9-2 Take one, two, or three classes in one day Celebration Education's Learning Bottega 2020 East First Street, Suite 103, Santa...
Apr 5, 20191 min read

CIV Enrichment in Santa Ana
Fridays, 9-2 March 1 - April 5 Take one, two, or three classes in one day $330 for the full day for six weeks (3 classes in a day)...
Feb 12, 20191 min read

Teen Study Hours
Come study with us!! FREE!! 9-2 Tuesdays Ages 12 & up Celebration Education Study Center 32819 Yucaipa Blvd., Suite 2, Yucaipa NOTE: Teen...
Feb 6, 20191 min read

Yucaipa Enrichment Day
Three six-week classes in one day. Take one class or take all three! Thursdays, March 1 - April 5 Ages 5-12 Yucaipa Study Center 32819...
Dec 22, 20181 min read

High School Biology
16-week High School Biology Enrichment Class Studying cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems Grades 7-12 4 x four-week units ...
Dec 14, 20182 min read

CIII Enrichment in Santa Ana
Fridays, 9-2 Take one, two, or three classes in one day $330 for the full day (3 classes) Register Now 9:30 - 10:30 Pets and Poetry...
Nov 30, 20182 min read

Yucaipa Enrichment Day
Yucaipa Tuesdays, October 30 - December 11, 9-2 Ages 5-12 $330 for full day for six weeks $108 for one class for six weeks Register Now...
Oct 22, 20181 min read