Summer REC Time
While many schools start up again in August, our classes don't start until September. But that doesn't mean that learning doesn't happen...
May 26, 20184 min read

One Size Fits All?
Have you ever tried wearing a shirt that claimed to be “One size fits all”? How did it fit? Certainly not as well as a shirt your size....
May 22, 20182 min read

Activities and Fireworks for France
Classes Activities 1. Craft - Mural 2. Key Points – French People, Places, and Events 3. Collaborative – A Tale of Two Revolutions 4....
May 22, 20181 min read

Art Vs. Science
Which is more important: art or science? Too often, children are discouraged from aiming to become professional dancers, artists, or...
May 12, 20182 min read

Activities and Fireworks for War Machines
Make your own artillery and challenge someone to target shooting. Some ideas are: Slingshot to shoot marshmallows or water balloons...
May 12, 20182 min read

The Importance of Being Wrong
“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original.” This is just one of many nuggets from Sir Ken...
May 7, 20182 min read

Craftsmanship Activities and Fireworks
Workshop Activities 1. Craft – Scary Shield 2. Key Points – Assembling a Craft 3. Collaborative – Guilds 4. Writing - Captions 5....
May 7, 20181 min read

Enrichment Classes for 2018-2019
Whenever possible, we like to offer enrichment classes that complement our year's themes. We also offer classes that are of interest to...
May 7, 20181 min read